As a media agency, Makuity’s mission is to give you access to TV, whatever your budget.
We start by analysing your objectives (target audience, period, budget level, KPIs) to develop a TV plan built specifically for you, designed by our team of experts. High-quality buys without packages and ultra-optimised. From the beginning, our media agency monitors and adapts your TV spot by spot throughout your campaign, depending on the results observed (coverage, frequency, Drive to Web, etc.).
77.5% of French people watch TV every day and on average 3 hours and 57 minutes a day.
As the leading mass medium, TV has the advantage of being a cost-effective medium with a very low CPM. Very popular with pure-player advertisers, they evaluate the success of a campaign most often based on the turnover generated.
Within our media agency, our TV teams constantly adapt the spot by spot according to the objective of results assessed by each advertiser (visits, conversion, average basket, etc.).
TV first advantage is that it is a mass medium that can reach millions of people in a single broadcast. TV has an undeniable power of reactivity on viewers. As viewers are increasingly multitasking, they tend to search for the product immediately after the TV spot has been aired.
Makuity tests all the tools on the market every year and we selected the best Drive to web tracking platform for you: TVTY.
By partnering with TVTY, for your DRTV campaigns tracking, we measure, in real time, the impact of each TV spot, such as the evolution of direct and indirect traffic on the website, the number of unique visitors, the conversion rate, etc.
A strategy that pays off, because 100% of our advertisers that have tested it trust us again with a DRTV plan.
It is more than 150 TV campaigns set up and orchestrated by Makuity over the last 2 years! Various TV campaigns in: short programs, national or regional classic TV, sponsorship. We have aired 100,000 spots since 2020!
TV buying represents 40% of the agency’s total advertising investment. In almost all cases, TV plan is complemented by a search engine optimisation (SEA) strategy to increase the campaign impact on traffic to your site. TV is very often the foundation of a 100% video strategy (with replay activation, YouTube, programmatic video, native ad, etc.).
A TV media agency must use market reference tools, to guarantee and certify campaigns effectiveness and performance. TV audiences are constantly evolving, and Popcorn (TV tool) and Médiamétrie update TV audiences every day.
To develop relevant TV plans, we analyse the competition using Kantar monitoring data with Medialand pige tool.
Evaluate and monitor the impact of each spot on your website traffic.
Build an optimised and effective tailor-made TV plan.
Work on brand memorization, cost effective
Communicate in strategic breaks at a lower cost.
Modify and work on the brand image with a short copy following the codes of a TV programme.
Reach small or non-TV viewers with fine targeting.
Complete a TV plan.
Geotarget your advertising message to your strategic target audience.