Press, the medium of emotion, of habit, that reassures and which we like to read! Press stands out because of its consumption mode, requiring reader active involvement. Press differs from other media by its reading contract and the link between the brand and the reader (positioning, editorial line, themes covered, frequency, etc.).
There are 50.8 million press readers each month, which represents 96.2% of the French population, all devices combined.
Digital readership is particularly highly developed: the press brands websites and apps represent 56% of the unique audience over 30 days.
The growth of digital consumption modes, and particularly mobile first, has transformed media buying when developing press campaigns. Today, strategies are based on hybrid print/digital media planning. Makuity’s teams capitalise on all the advantages of the press to offer effective campaigns.
Makuity advises and supports you to build your press campaigns by developing a tailor-made media planning. Our teams will recommend the strategy that will meet your image, awareness, and traffic objectives!
Press is a multi-faceted medium, with the advantage of being purchased both in print and/or digital.
Many press brands such as Le Monde deploy their content in print, on their websites, applications (La Matinale, Le Monde) and on social networks (Discover on Snapchat) to capture the under 35s.
Our experts analyse all the parameters to build an effective press plan: frequency, CPM, circulation, core readership, editorial environment, positioning, takeover, etc.
For you, we recommend impactful formats and vehicles (print, programmatic, applications, social networks, etc.) that offer the best mix of performance and brand image.
The average attention score of an ad in press is 40%, the second most important medium behind cinema, which is at 61%.
Makuity uses the best tools on the market to offer the most effective press strategy. With today's multi-channel media consumption, our experts are able to measure your media plan impact both on print and digital readers. We can also evaluate the impact of your campaign over time (using survey such as ACPM, One Global, One Next Global, TGI).
Attention ? 89% of French people pay attention when reading
Confidence ? 90% of French people trust in what they read
Desirability ? 98% of French people find their reading useful or enjoyable
Engagement ? 72% of French people want to share their reading
Transformation? 32% of readings make them want to take action, to find out more to prepare their purchases
Source: TGI R2 2020
Increase visibility within the magazine with premium positionings negotiated by Makuity.
Build multi-format campaigns (videos, native ad, wrapping, etc.) on the homepage of the news website, or within a specific section.
Provide editorial content to give consistency to your advertising message.
To emerge with an insert (thrown, stapled, or stuck within the magazine) for higher visibility with the reader.
Partner with a press brand to promote your ad through visibility exchange.
Create a value transfer between the press brand and your brand via editorial content and a cross media digital/print presence.