Pôle Emploi selected Makuity for the consulting and management of its media buying. The agency will be in charge of helping the public institution to build its media strategy on the overall digital and offline drivers during 2 years minimum. Expected budget: 1.2M€ VAT. The first campaign should be launched by the end of October.
L’Agence Régionale Tourisme Grand Est took the agency for this communication campaign « Heures précieuses en Grand Est » (pressure leisure time in the Grand Est) to promote the Region as a touristic destination during the summer season 2021. The campaign had been deployed in digital (special operation made with multiple drivers in partnership with Webedia, with social media relay) and on DOOH in the malls located in the strategic areas.
La Fourche entrusted its first TV campaign to Makuity. The organic shop exclusively online, which provides affordable products to everyone, wanted to reinforce its awareness against the wide public. This campaign was managed in DRTV with Tvty, to boost sales on the website.
Rexel groupe – Rexel France: distributor of products and services for the energy market took Makuity, in partnership with the communication agency Ici Barbès, to deploy its multimedia campaign for increase awareness on its professionnal targets.
By joining Heroiks, Makuity moved to a new stage by connected with the first independent communication group in the French market, while the agency keeps an independent functioning.