A crucial step in your strategy Fill-14

Have you chosen the agency that will advise you on the delivery of your ads?

Consulting and media planning are the cornerstones of an effective and efficient media plan

From brand diagnosis to media buying, we set in motion a complex process that requires the use of multiple expertise.  Our advertising specialists will work with you on all aspects of your media strategy. They also recommend media plans that will effectively meet your communication needs.

Makuity is a gentle blend of expertise, business tools, experience, and involvement, for the benefit of the quality of our relationship.

Some key variables, determined by the intrinsic qualities of each media, drive our media choices (minimum budget, coverage and targeting potential, media flexibility, capacity to emerge etc. ….). However, the experience of Makuity’s media planners is the guarantee of an impactful media plan, both in terms of performance and in terms of commitment, proximity, attachment, sympathy, trust, and credibility.


Giving meaning to meda planning 

and Effectiviness to the meaning

Knowledge of your ecosystem conditions and infuses our media strategy Fill-14

Media planning is not just about audience data, GRPs, reach potential or OTS, it’s also about understanding your ecosystem and getting to know your culture, your philosophy, and your environment.

This stage is fundamental in the construction of your media plan and is based on the use of several tools (advertising monitoring tools, behavioural analysis, statistics from institute data, market, and opinion research).

Our User Centric vision Fill-14

Our media planning places the consumer at the heart of our thinking, we have a USER CENTRIC approach where the consumer is the starting point, but also the landing point. This determines how to address them, where and when it is the most appropriate. A true orchestration of the media to be addressed in full synergy, without losing sight of the media and business effectiveness of our clients’ campaigns.

We analyse people, not just their profiles. Their needs have become more and more demanding. That’s why we take into account their motivations and influences in our media planning and make them live an experience, to ensure attention and better memorization.

We are Challengers Fill-14

Many of our clients, like us, are challengers in their environment.

Our role is to support these challenger brands with fair, agile strategies, based on our USER CENTRIC thinking and analysis, rather than over-investing against competitors.

A unique approach to media planning and multi-platform buying


 Our teams create clear and effective tailor-made media plans for your offline and digital communications.

Our commitment is to be an independent media and digital agency of excellence offering multidisciplinary support combining all skills.

At each stage of the media strategy process, the use of tools responds to a need for rationalisation and decision support. But the media advice of Makuity’s senior experts is essential for the effectiveness of your media campaigns.

We are a hybrid agency Fill-14

Hybrid also for the variety of our client’s sectors: public institutions, tourism, fashion, health-beauty, painting, real estate, culture-leisure, professional collectives, charities, banking-insurance, games-toys, plant collectives, food collectives, optics, retail, pure-players … An opportunity for our 80 active clients that are enriched by this broad multi-sector culture.

Hybrid for our elasticity between local, multi-local and national strategies.

Our tools and surveys Fill-14

Tools at each key stage of the media plan construction combined with a team of senior media strategists, strategic planners, and media experts at Makuity. Both, the use of dedicated software for each media and the involvement of senior staff allow us to recommend and optimise communication plans adapted to each of your issues.

See our tools
  • TGI
  • Kantar
  • Statista
  • Junior Connect
  • Medialand

Our offer Fill-14

Consuting and media strategy

Rely on the expertise of the Makuiteam to optimise your advertising spend.

Analysis of your market

Identify opportunities and treats of your business sector in which your company/brand involves

Surveys on your target customers

Understand behaviors and media consumaption of your targets to reach efficiently your target.